Monday, September 22, 2008


...Not really into them. Not gonna lie.

It's cool, though. I woke up this morning perfectly. My alarm went off at 8:05am, and I got up and turned it off on the second beep. I showered, made myself a PB'n'J, and a cup of green tea. I'll admit, though.. I need to make a tea a bit stronger tomorrow. It didn't act fast enough, and I was still very sleepy in my first year seminar class. We discussed James Loewen's points on history and it being taught incorrectly- but that's beside the point.

I went and got my packages today at the mail center. It's only a 1/3 mile walk, but still. When it's hot outside and you're sleepy, its a bit of a drag. Especially because I knew I was only getting some personal paperwork for my job, and a textbook. It's about time, though. That paperwork is long overdue, and I might not get paid if I don't take care of that soon. *Makes a mental note*.

I have my first test in Audio Tech Survey today. That should be interesting... seeing as I just recieved my textbook in the mail today. I'm sure I'll do fine.

My desk is pretty amazing right now. ProTools apparatus, letters, and scented postcards are adorning the edges of my workspace. It's nearly heaven.

But not quite.

I could have the love of my life here. But she's in Seattle now, and I'm happy for her. Things will get crazy, I'm sure. I only hope that when school starts up, we'll be able to continue in good contact. I'm way out of my league. I'm not gonna let her get away without a fight.

Because I love Avena Naomi Savage with all my heart.

Wednesday, September 3, 2008

Wednesday morning...

..And I'm so tired, it's ridiculous.

Something I've come to realize lately is that I'm kind of a lame person. I don't appreciate life nearly as much as I should. I have been blessed by so many people and things in life, and I still manage to whine, complain, and hurt those who love me.

Avena, you mean more to me than everything else. I'm sorry I don't show that in more tangible ways. I promise to you that I am doing my best to show that appreciation for you.

So last night I stayed up late again. It seems to be a college trend. I came here expecting to be a healthier person- in that I would eat healthier, work out more, and sleep more. I've been doing moderately well.. but I still don't sleep enough. I think I have more Mountain Dew running through my system than blood. Probably not a good thing.

Anyways.. I have one more class today at noon. Survey of Audio Tech. I love that class.. but it's not nearly long enough. I almost regret choosing a MWF class, because I only get it for 50 minutes. Shame.

Music it up:

"Lost in the Sound of Separation" by Underoath
"Viva la Vida" by Coldplay
"How The Lonely Keep" by Terminal