Wednesday, January 7, 2009

Six shooter, Cowboy Killer...

...kept me alive.

But mostly, Avena.

Yesterday was a stretch for me. It really was. Let me see if I can start from the beginning...

Actually it doesn't really matter. Yesterday, I had an adventure. I drove up to Hollywood to see my brother, who really couldn't hang out. I picked up my buddy from the airport, and was late. I got lost.

Basically, yesterday was a fail.


After dropping off Kris, I went back to Starbucks where my brother works. I needed something strong to keep me up for the drive home. We developed what is essentially a gnarly soy latte.

I can't tell you what's in it. It's a secret.

But after that, the evening improved. The drive home was a fantastic time to unwind from the stress of the preceding day. I was able to get home in half the time with no traffic, with a fantastic drink that pumped me full of sugar and caffeine. I had time to reflect on how the day had benefited me, rather than how it was disappointing. My driving skills have gone WAY up. Navigation? No problem now. Patience was definitely bolstered. More so, I was given the realization that keeping busy was good for me.

I'm a guy. I can revel in doing absolutely nothing for hours... but probably not anymore. The draw of productivity is too strong.

Lastly, I got a call from Avena, that really set the night right. You know those cliche' lines that talk about "all your problems disappearing"? That's how I feel when I get the chance to talk to, or spend time with Avena. The problems are still there, but I find solace in knowing she cares about me. It's a fantastic feeling that's relatively new to me. Even if there's nothing to be said, there's no one I'd rather be silent with. Avena's the one.

The day took me all around, and actually, it was today that I decided to write about it, because I realize that the trials of living independantly are about to begin again. Living away from home, away from friends, away from Avena.. it's all going to be hard. But this newfound resolve to be stronger than last time has brought me a new confidence. Who knows where I'll be in the future? I don't really care at this point. My life is my life, and I'm just going to do my best, and see.

"God in your eyes, and love in your heart,
We'll see where that takes you for now."