Sunday, December 7, 2008

The End of an Era...

...That's what we're in.

It's weird to think that the end of the semester is drawing so close, and we're all such new, new kids. Did we really just meet each other three months ago? It was even less than that. The bonds we all create goes beyond the friendships we experienced before, because this is very much our lives now. We live here; we live here with all of each other right next door. Just above. Just below. It's a community that we've built, and that we've embraced. It's been wonderful. It's been painful. Over these few months, I think its obvious how much we've changed. People have shown their true colors, I guess. It's fine. I love seeing people grow comfortable with themselves.

What's going to be hard, though, is the end of the semester. Realistically, these friendships will not last. It's something I've been thinking about: I'll probably stay in touch with about 1/4 of the people I hang out with now. Maybe less. Maybe more, who knows. It's actually something I'm very much at peace with. I know I'll be staying close to the people who Christ leads and lets into my life. It'll all be fine.

I was talking to one of my best friends, and she is faced with so many incredible opportunities for her summer, and future in general. It's overwhelming to think of the different ways God can direct our lives, to do things we've never dreamed of. It's terrifying for me, to think that at the end of this college experience, I'll probably have wasted a ridiculous amount of time.

There are really two or three things in life that I really, really wanted in life. I've already scratched being a rock star from that list, haha. It's just not realistic for me. I don't have the talent of people who don't make it, so why should I? I'll leave that to the awesome people.

The other two I just feel don't get taken seriously while I'm at college. One was opening my youth center. My 24-hour venue/studio/gallery/cafe'/recreation center. I know for sure that I do not need First-Year Seminar for that. I know that. I know for sure that my degree will probably add to the knowledge base I need to be a good Engineer, but I also know that the knowledge I need is probably acquirable in two years, without comparing essays about grandparents, without taking medieval history. Without being able to write an old-testament synopsis in an hour.

I guess I'm just being cynical. I should go eat a banana and write my next paper.


"Miss Machine" by The Dillinger Escape Plan
"Game Theory" by The Roots
"Come to Daddy" by Aphex Twin
"A to B: Life" by mewithoutyou

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