Saturday, December 6, 2008

Sick, sickly...

... That's what I am. Sick.

Symptoms: Aching joints (More so than usual), headaches, sensitivity to bright lights, loud sounds, nosebleeds (probably just the cold), congested sinus, coughing, and stomach.. issues.

My diagnosis: Influenza.. or something similar. I basically just feel like I have lead in my system... Everything just seems so heavy, and sluggish. It's awful. Up until last night, for those four nights, I had a horrible fever that essentially prevented me from sleeping. It's just gross.

But last night was different. I slept beautifully. When I woke up this morning, I felt exactly the same- I had all the same symptoms for the flu, with the exception of feeling incredibly well rested. It's crazy what a huge difference that makes. I've realized that through these past few days, I've been really snarky with some people, and I hope to reconcile that soon. I know people realize I'm sick, so hopefully I won't have to preface my apologies too much with that. I feel bad about it all, though. My being sick is no excuse for me to be an asshole to anyone. Especially those few people that I hold particularly dear to me.

For the past week, my friend Dan Storm has been recording a song next door to me, with Sean Morey, one of the most fantastic Audio Engineers I know. I had the privelege to mix and master that song, and at two thirty this morning, I finished it. Goodness, it sounds incredible, if I do say so myself. Dan Storm, and our resident emcee princess 'Miss B' are just so talented. Hopefully one day, I'll be able to ride on their coattails, haha.

This was such a satisfying experience, though: especially after the overdubbing project I had to attend Wednesday night/Thursday morning. On that night, I realized that I was practically illiterate to analog hardware for recording. It was one of the most humbling experiences I have ever been through. I was miserable. Humiliated. I questioned my major. Maybe I'm just not cut out for this..

I still don't know, but at least I can master hip-hop tracks, right Dan?

I'm hoping to track some of my own songs with Sean in the coming months (probably following Christmas break). All of this needs to happen in the time I have outside of studying for finals and writing ridiculous papers about things I don't care about. No bitterness. Haha. I guess I've just come to realize that it's the connections I'm making that are important. Not the papers.

I mean, they're important too. I need them to stay in college. But you all know what I mean.

And by you all, I mean you. The one (maybe two) people who read this blog.

Whatever the case. I'm proud of that song. It's kind of hard to send it to people, and say "I worked on that". No one can really appreciate how much work goes into that kind of thing. They don't realize how you spend three hours listening to the same fifteen seconds of vocal track, carefully reducing each breath so that the sibilance in the lyrics isn't distracting when the high frequencies mix with the sustain of the snare drum.

Yeah, exactly.

Anyways.. the time is drawing nigh. I'm coming home on the 17th. It's really exciting to think that I'll actually be able to spend a significant amount of time home, with people I care about. This isn't to say that I don't care about people here, because I definitely do. But the thought of being able to see my family for longer than a weekend, or my friends for more than an evening is just amazing. And probably most of all, I'll be able to see Avena for the first time since August 20th. Just three days shy of three months ago. That's way, way too long. I guess I better get my act together.. I'm a collegiate mess.

It will definitely be interesting to see how much things have changed. How much people have changed. I feel like, in comparison to a lot of my friends and loved ones, I have changed or developed relatively little as a person. I believe much of the same things.. I listen to what is essentially the same music. I don't know too much more than when I left. I guess it's just the life experiences that I acquire that change me without my evening realizing.

To be abrupt, here are some awesome albums to check out:

"Chroma" by Cartel
"This Station Is Non-Operational" by At The Drive-In
"Loyalty to Loyalty" by Cold War Kids
"Love is Hell" by Ryan Adams
"I'm Wide Awake It's Morning" by Bright Eyes
"Dead Mountain Mouth" by Genghis Tron
"Bleed American" by Jimmy Eat World

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