Friday, August 29, 2008

It's my birthday...

And I suppose it's gone well.

It's been over a week since I left home. I'm sitting in my dorm now. We're about 87% unpacked. I just got my computer today, and I spent the afternoon optimizing conditions for ProTools 7.4.2. Good stuff, kids.

I'm really excited to be here. I guess that's both vague and cliche' but it's true. I really enjoy living in this dorm. All our roomies are amazing. Musicians, recording artists, singers, songwriters. It's filled with people who share my interests, but are so very different. I'm amazed at how 'at-home' I feel here.

At the same time, though, I really do miss my home. I miss my bed, and my family, and my girlfriend. It really does get kind of lonely, even though I know so many people. The semi-forced friendships don't pull the way a life-long friend would. Hopefully that will get better with time.

I feel bad, because I've already missed a class. My first English class, even. Horrible. I realized that my brand-new alarm clock is not functioning as an alarm clock at all. It functions as a clock, a radio, an iPod dock, but not an alarm clock. It's supposed to, and it did.. until the first day I had an 8am class. Then it broke and I was late.

On the bright side.. I'm at college.

Today's my birthday. I already mentioned that. Funny thing is: It doesn't feel like it, because last night, I stayed awake until midnight. So it was my birthday then. I went to the local Circle-K, and bought some cigarettes and a cigar, because I could. I hung out with some friends for a while, then went to bed. It was cool, but now it's still my birthday. Kind of weird for my head. I guess it's awesome. My girlfriend sent me brownies. They are delicious. She has been so good to me- sending me postcards, letters, presents, and now brownies. I couldn't be more in love, I swear. Hahaha.

Anyways.. music.

"Daybreak" by This is the Hospital
"The Price of Existence" by All Shall Perish
"Summer EP" by Jon Foreman
"I, Lucifer" by Destroy the Runner


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